Must-See: Trump Scores HUGE Win For MAGA

Mike Johnson is now Speaker of the House, thanks to Matt Gaetz’s unwavering resolve to restore true conservative leadership. Discover how Trump’s support and Gaetz’s strategic prowess united the GOP under a real America First banner. Learn about the dramatic, behind-the-scenes maneuvers that led to this transformative victory, outmaneuvering establishment figures like McCarthy. Plus, Gary gives an unmissable final thought on why this moment is crucial for our republic. This isn’t just another news report; it’s an insider glimpse into a seismic shift that could define our nation’s future. Stay tuned till the end for Gary’s powerful final thoughts on how this victory aligns with the MAGA movement’s goal to impeach Joe Biden and make America great again. Don’t miss it!

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“Come on Lets get the party started!! Donald Trump for President”

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